How ads are ranked ?

How ads are ranked ?

In each page of Google search, you can see ads above organic search and on the right side. The ads on the top rank are 3 and they are above the organic search on a background color. The others are on the right side and can be 8 on maximum. So you have 11 rank on each Google page.  Being the first position has real advantage because you benefit of more visibility.

People use Google for speed of research and also for the relevance of their query. Google try to provide them the best relevance. More relevant your ads are, more people click on it. Google AdWords have created a measurement for that, called “Quality score”. It means when your quality score is high, you have a better Ad rank and your Cost per Click is decreased significantly.

For better understanding, the Quality Score is an estimation of relevance of your ads, keywords and landing page for a specific query. In fact your Score increase if the person who clicks on your ads finds what he is searching for directly.

You can check your Quality Score by looking within your Keywords tab. There are a couple ways to check your Quality Score, as shown below.

Run a keyword diagnosis:

  1. Click the Campaigns tab at the top.
  2. Select the Keywords tab.
  3. Click the white speech bubble Ad disapproval bubble next to any keyword’s status to see details about that keyword’s Quality Score. You’ll be able to see ratings for expected click-through rate, ad relevance, and landing page experience.

Another way to see your Quality Score is to enable the Qual. score column:

  1. Click the Campaigns tab at the top.
  2. Select the Keywords tab.
  3. Look for the Qual. score column in the statistics table. If you don’t see this column in your table, you can add this column by doing the following:
    • Click the Columns drop-down in the toolbar above the statistics table.
    • Select Customize columns.
    • Select Attributes.
    • Click Add next to Qual. score.
    • Click Save.

Each Keywords are ranked in a scale from 1 to 10. Google AdWords recalculates your Quality Score each time you are eligible for an Ad auction. Ad Auction is the competition to appear on a Google page, more you are often choose to appear on Google page, more your Quality Score will be high.  When a customer triggers your ads, Google recalculates immediately your Quality Score.

How is it possible improving Quality Score ?

Look at different following data :

– Click-Through (CTR) Rate of your keywords : How often the keyword has triggered a click on your ads ?

– CTR of your Display URL : How often your URL triggers a click?

– Account History : CTR Ads + CTR Keywords

– Quality of your Landing Page : You have to watch the second video on this lesson

Relevance (Useful and original content), Transparent (Separate sponsors and ads, contact information, describes your business), easy to navigate

– The relevance of your selected keywords from your ads

– The relevance of your keywords selected from the research of your customers

– Geographical Performance : What are your performance in the regions you have targeted?

– Ads performance on a site : (If you  put Ads on the Display Network = Website affiliated to Google)

– Your Targeted Devices : What are the performance in each devices ? (Laptop/Desktop, Mobile, Tablets)

If you respect the most part of these advises, your Quality Score should approach 10. Your eligibility for ad auction will increase, your Cost per Click (CPC) will decrease. You have also more chance to be on the first Google research page and in the top of the page. To conclude, your Ad position will be better and you will pay less, it’s a GOOOOOD DEAL !

You have finished the basic lessons soon, continue like that !!